Hello! I have an art to share!
May's illustration is titled "Oh Deer!" I am quite pleased with this piece, if for no other reason than it makes me giggle. Here are a few work in progress pictures for ya...
Work In Progress photos:
"Oh Deer" came from one of those doodles I draw when I don't know I am doodling. Usually those never make it past the scraps of paper I draw them on, but this one impressed me enough to "put it on fancy art paper". It measures 8.5" x 11", and is created in Prisamcolor and Sakura micron pens. Also, a few washes of strong black tea to give it that extra caffeine edge. (Kidding, I just wanted a nice tan base, the white paper was too overwhelming for a forest piece).
So, this illustration is currently up for auction
HERE on eBay (or click the finished photo below):

"Oh Deer!" original cartoon illustration
I should have ACEO prints of "Oh Deer" in a few weeks or so.
Other art stuff currently happening: I have a small assortment of limited edition, hand embellished 5" x 7" prints available through my
WEBSHOP- only five prints of each image, ever!! Check them out
HERE! Also, "Harpies with Sharpies" ACEOs are now available through the shop
PS- Don't forget to come back for tomorrow's comic!! :D