So...Mega M&Ms. They are a thing, and a thing that makes me very happy indeed. And they have Mega PEANUT M&Ms.
So much yay.
I love my new website :)
Don't forget to check out the new website, lots of art updates on the reg! -->
Haven't had a lot of time for drawing lately, but it's okay, because my new official website is up and running!
It's bare bones at the moment, but I'll have a lot more fun stuff up there soon!
There's still the ol' zombietoes etsy shop for shopping ;)
So, this is me slacking off again. I just drew this a half hour ago in my sketchbook. Lacking the ambition to color it in. Sometimes, it's a hell of a lot more work to color these things digitally. But...this is kind of what they look like before I clean them up. A present for you- behind the scenes. Haha. Ain't I swell?
In other news, I have acquired the domain name zombietoes, and am working on an official website for this comic and all my cartoon art and stuff. Also, slowly working on a zombietoes zazzle shop for prints and products of my illustrations and paintings. :D And other things. Lots of other things.
I have to go eat something cold. Okay, ice cream. I have to go eat ice cream now.
And don't forget about the etsy shop, it's got a bunch of new photos with a fun new background! And reduced prices on some things! Yaaay!