The latest illustration is rather whimsical; a doodle turned full blown illustration. Sleeping dragons under smokey dreams, turning to clouds, growing strange plants...
"Zees, Keys, and Bees" is an original mixed media illustration- inks, pencils, and acrylic paint on bristol. It measures 8.5" x 11", signed and titled on the back. "Zees, Keys, and Bees" is currently up for auction on eBay- please click the photo or the link below it to view the auction, more details and pictures, and perhaps even place a bid:

"Zees, Keys, and Bees" Original Dragon Illustration

"Tetra" cartoon dragon ACEO illustration

"Friends with Feathers" dragon ACEO illustration

"Night Birds" fantasy ACEO illustration
One more art- the ACEO prints of "Trees and Clouds" has been released- there is one up for auction on eBay (see the link below the photo):

"Trees and Clouds" fantasy 2 sided ACEO print
In other news, I am currently reworking the art gallery on my website, as well as adding a few new items to the web shop! There will be spring cleaning happening over the next few weeks, so I'm sure I will be auctioning off a bunch of older original illustrations and painting on eBay.
Fair warning- I may be slacking on the comic in the next few weeks, due to above mentioned activities...but we shall see :)
Zazzle shop